Membership is for anyone who acknowledges our philosophy.
Please fill in and send to our administration “Registration Form”.
You will then receive details about how to pay your membership fees.
Annual membership fees
Individual member 10,000 yen
Student member 5,000 yen
Sponsor 50,000 yen
(per sponsorship)
*No admission fee is required.
We welcome your donations.
(For more information, please contact our administration.)
Our members can
*1: We organize the following at present:
Academic meetings:
the International Society of Comprehensive Medicine
the Japanese Society of Existential Therapy
the Japanese Society of Pain and Psychosomatic medicine
Training program:
RIL lecture series, RIL workshops
comprehensive medicine, Oriental medicine (Chinese medicine and acupuncture), music therapy, balneo-logotherapy, cancer dialogue, food-nourishment
Patient group:
learning together for pain patients and medical workers
*2: RIL is accredited and registered jointly by the Japanese Society of Existential Therapy and the Viktor Frankl Institute.
*3: The Viktor Frankl Institute and IFCM are collaborating to give support to those wishing to study for a doctorate in philosophy and comprehensive medicine at International Academy of Philosophy in the Principality of Lichtenstein.
東京都千代田区神田美土代町11-8 SK美土代町ビル6階
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