The philosophy of our comprehensive medicine is that physicians are always committed to treating patients as a whole person who lives “here and now,” and helping them to improve their quality of
life. To make it happen, we combine conventional medicine with traditional Chinese medicine, psychosomatic medicine, logotherapy and existential analysis, and physical therapy (integrative
medicine). We also use the biopsycho-social-existential model to identify problems that confront patients and try to establish a doctor-patient relationship based upon mutual trust so that a
team-based care will be offered.
Comprehensive medicine is universal. It is used not only in the national context, but in an international environment. We have been dedicated to fostering Registered International Logotherapists
(RIL) in academic partnership with the Viktor Frankl Institute Vienna. IFCM was founded in 2011 as a general incorporated foundation. Our aim was to practice comprehensive medicine by engaging in
medical consultation, research, training and promotion activities. In April, 2015, Cabinet Office of the Japanese government accredited us for a public interest incorporated foundation. With such
an honor, we will continue our effort to further promote comprehensive medicine by achieving smooth operations of our societies, creating coherence among them, and accumulating expert knowledge
of our members on a wide range of topics.
We will also take responsibility to make such expertise available to the public and encourage them to be active participants in the process of creating whole-person health.
We very much appreciate your continued support.